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quality care. convenience.
How many sessions do I need for treatment?The number of treatments needed varies from person to person. It depends on your unique situations such as the severity, duration, and your health status, etc. Some people experience significant improvement after one or two treatments, while others may take weeks or months to achieve lasting results. Chronic conditions generally take longer to resolve than acute ones, and the longer a patient has had a condition, the longer it usually takes to resolve. Other factors that influence the number of treatments needed include the severity of the problem and the patient's lifestyle, overall health, and constitution. We should be able to give you an idea of how many treatments will be needed after becoming familiar with your unique situation and needs. He or she may suggest one or two treatments per week during the initial phases of treatment, and then less frequent treatments as the condition improves.
Will my insurance cover acupuncture treatments?Insurance coverage for acupuncture treatment varies from policy to policy. With the increasing demand for acupuncture, insurance benefits for acupuncture are becoming more common. We would be happy to call your insurance to check your benefits for you. Please give us a call to provide your insurance information. We need your full name, date of birth, your policy number, and phone number for providers on the back of your insurance card.
How long does each session take?Normally, each session takes 30 to 45 minutes. It depends on the nature of diseases and conditions. However, an initial treatment evaluation takes 45-60 minutes, which includes the initial patient evaluation and history.
How can I schedule an appointment?To schedule an appointment, you can call us anytime. Please see our contact us page for more information.
Should I stop other medications?No. You should continue to follow your current physician's instructions. Please remember that acupuncture is used to complement and supplement your physician's treatments not to replace them. You should discuss this issue with your physician and acupuncturist.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the more common questions.
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We work with patients under most of major insurance carriers. However, insurance plans differ even within each carrier so we require a verification in order to confirm the details of your specific policy.
Please call us to find out if your plan covers care in our office. Our staff will verify and be more than happy to explain your medical benefits to you, at no charge, before you begin treatment.
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